Laura Jean Smallwood Headshot

Laura Jean Smallwood, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM)

Atlanta, Georgia

Dr. Laura Smallwood’s veterinary experience includes 36 years of practice, the majority of that as a small animal internal medicine specialist and practice owner. As a mindfulness educator, Dr. Smallwood’s focus has been on the development of content relevant to the veterinary profession. Her interests include mindfulness as a methodology for improving health and well-being outcomes, stress physiology and the role that mindsets play in stress outcomes, mindful communication as a strategy to mitigate conflict in the workplace, and the role that kindness and compassion practices can play in protecting against burnout. Dr. Smallwood is a trained Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher, a registered yoga teacher, and a member of the teaching faculty at Atlanta Mindfulness Institute. She is also the current chair of the GVMA Wellness Committee. Learn more about Dr. Smallwood’s work at