Medical Board Commends Georgia Professional Health Program

Board pledges support for foundation’s efforts in conducting state’s professional health program

At its last meeting, the Georgia Composite Medical Board took a moment to commend the Georgia Professional Health Program (Georgia PHP) for its ongoing efforts in implementing the state’s new program to help physicians and other healthcare professionals who develop addictive disorders. Dr. William Butler, MD, the Board’s Chairman, pledged to help Georgia PHP publicize its efforts, and called for the financial support of the physician community to ensure its continued success.

The Board’s partnership with Georgia PHP began in June 2012, when it selected Georgia PHP, Inc. to conduct the Board’s Professional Health Program. Georgia PHP is a statewide not-for-profit foundation established to carry out the legislated authority of the Medical Board. It provides initial triage, referral to treatment, and long-term monitoring services for healthcare professionals with addictive disorders. The primary goal of the PHP is to ensure that the professionals who return to the practice of medicine do so only if they can practice with reasonable skill and safety. Although its partnership with the Medical Board began less than six months ago, the program has already begun its monitoring and treatment mission with licensees.

Robin McCown, the Executive Director of Georgia PHP, thanked Dr. Butler for his recognition of the foundation’s efforts. She noted that the success of the nonprofit is dependent on the program’s participants and staff, but also requires continuing outside funding through donations for the program’s activities.

To help ensure the present and future success of the Board’s professional health program, you can make a voluntary monetary contribution to Georgia PHP’s foundation. Click here to learn how your support can make a difference for your colleagues, friends, and Georgia’s patients, or contact Georgia PHP by phone at 1-855-MY-GAPHP or by email to