WPHP Report: Setting the Record Straight, Part II by Chris Bundy, MD, MPH
In Part 1 of “Setting the Record Straight,” I explored some of the challenges and rewards of working in the field of physician health. Chief
In Part 1 of “Setting the Record Straight,” I explored some of the challenges and rewards of working in the field of physician health. Chief
Despite substantial advances in our understanding of addiction and the technology and therapeutic approaches used to fight this disease, addiction still remains a major issue
Since 1986 the Washington Physicians Health Program (WPHP) has served as the legally qualified professional support program in Washington for licensed physicians and physician assistants.
T HE PREVALENCE OF CHEMICAL dependency (excluding nicotine) among physicians has been estimated to be 10% to 15%,1 similar to that in the general population.1-3
Written by Patrick G. O’Connor MD, MPH Anderson Spickard Jr MD O’connor P, Spickard A. Physician impairment by substance abuse. Medical Clinics of North America 1997;81(4):1037-52. Department