Physician Suicide in the United States:Updated Estimates from the National Violent Death Reporting System Gold Physician Suicide NVDRS Update Gen Hosp Psych 2020 Gold Physician Suicide NVDRS Update Gen Hosp Psych 2020
Physicians who have overcome mental health or substance use challenges with support of Physician Health Programs are not just resilient – they bring greater compassion,
A new report by colleagues Judy Davidson and Sid Zisook published in JAMA Psychiatry reveals a concerning trend: Female physicians in the US face up
As health system leaders create programs to help physicians struggling with burnout, it turns out that there’s an additional step: Making them feel safe to
Dr. Chris Bundy, WPHP’s Executive Medical Director and FSPHP’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Art Hengerer, FSPHP Board of Directors, and Linda Bresnahan, MS, FSPHP’s Executive
In this engaging and inspiring session, attendees will have a rare opportunity to hear the personal stories of physicians who have lived experience of addiction
Earlier this month, the surgeon general released an advisory on “Alcohol and Cancer Risk,” which recommended adding labels to alcoholic beverages to warn the public
For millennia in medicine, alcohol, particularly red wine, carried a health halo; in small doses, it has historically been thought to have cardioprotective benefits. Michael
Scientists want to create breathalyzers that show how recently a driver used marijuana. Researchers also are studying how cannabis impairs motor skills and reflexes for
This month’s “Ask the Expert” column addresses a difficult topic, that of physicians dealing with medical and/or psychiatric problems that hinder their ability to practice.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and
These are the myths addiction researchers hear most often.